29 kwietnia odbyła się Gala IV Bydgoskiego Konkursu Literackiego w Języku Angielskim dla uczniów szkół ponadpodstawowych. Mieliśmy przyjemność gościć laureatów już IV edycji konkursu, w którym uczestnicy mają możliwość rozwijać się literacko w języku obcym.
W tym roku ciekawi byliśmy jak młodzi ludzie postrzegają sztuczną inteligencję i jak widzą rozwój jej roli w swoim życiu. Spośród 40 nadesłanych prac I miejsce zajęła Klaudia Kowalska z IX LO, II miejsce Kamila Gierszewska z Liceum Towarzystwa Salezjańskiego, a III miejsce Anna Węgierska z IX LO. Przyznaliśmy również 3 wyróżnienia dla Jakuba Chełminiaka z IIILO, Zuzanny Choły z IIILO i Zuzanny Piecuch z Zespołu Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich. Serdecznie dziękujemy wszystkim uczestnikom za udział i próbę dziennikarskich talentów – artykuły, które otrzymaliśmy były wnikliwe i poprzedzone dogłębną analizą zagadnienia. Zachęcamy do udziały w kolejnej edycji Konkursu i zapraszamy do zapoznania się z nagrodzonymi pracami.
I miejsce Klaudia Kowalska, IX LO
“Will AI Take Over One Day?”
Humankind has been fascinated by AI since the 19th century. Samuel Butler, an English writer and poet, is credited as the first to mention AI in literary work. He depicted artificial intelligence as advanced humanoid robots that would subordinate humans to machines, portraying Homo sapiens as an inferior race. However, as we know today, AI is more than just human-like robots.
Do I think AI will take over as Butler envisioned? No. However, I see a serious possibility of AI being a huge threat to our species. Today, we can observe how rapidly AI evolves and adapts. One recent development of artificial intelligence is Sora OpenAI, produced by the creators of ChatGPT; it is a new form of AI capable of turning text into fully rendered videos. Personally, I see it as a huge risk, possibly generating harmful content, such as gore or child pornography.
It is also important to underline that AI needs increasingly less source material to produce something, like a voice replica. Soon, a single picture or video could be enough to create a monster; a world full of misinformation and malice. It will not only affect celebrities or politicians, but all of us. Moreover, AI could also lead to widespread unemployment across many fields, such as accounting, art, law, medicine, and many more.
Currently, I do not think AI will take over. I believe that technological progress is inevitable, but I see a very real possibility of AI being a leading cause of our downfall as a species.
II miejsce Kamila Gierszewska, Liceum Towarzystwa Salezjańskiego
“Will AI take over one day?”
In the age of rapidly advancing technology, the question of whether artificial intelligence will eventually take over the world has become a topic of intense speculation. As AI evolves, surpassing human abilities in various branches, concerns mount over its impact on society’s future.
AI has the potential to transform various fields and revolutionize several industries. It’s used in many career fields including healthcare, transportation, finance, education and marketing. It improves efficiency and productivity thanks to AI-powered robots, which can perform tasks that are tedious and time-intensive. Furthermore, many worksites are being replaced by AI machines, as it’s more convenient for businesses and they can raise their earnings. Thereafter, advanced systems can identify potential risks and opportunities in the stock market, allowing investors to make smarter investment decisions.
Predicting the future of AI and whether it’ll take over is a task fraught with uncertainty. Machine learning is the core of developing and improving technology, which will make a significant difference in future industries. As machines become more capable of learning from data and creating their own algorithms, they will be able to make more accurate predictions and create detailed systems. Furthermore, this can cause economic disruption and social disability as it can lead to many job displacements. All of the predictions are shaped by various factors such as the pace of advancement.
While it’s impossible to predict with certainty how AI will evolve in the future, exploring various scenarios can help us find out potential risks and advantages associated with its development. Despite many concerns, AI will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping our future.
III miejsce Anna Węgierska, IX LO
Will AI Take Over One Day?
Have you ever heard of technology that turned the world upside down? Advancements in artificial intelligence have been rapidly picking up steam lately. Just over the past few months alone, the release of a chatbot seems to have shaken up the world on many levels, offering exciting new opportunities while also raising some potential red flags.
The potential of AI is undeniable, but its rapid expansion raises serious ethical concerns, such as disruption of the academic experience. It has the capacity to blow up our entire writing education curriculum. The fact that it has caused so much uproar in schools and universities only exposes the superficial and outdated nature of the education system. So perhaps ChatGPT might actually cause a positive change in this field.
If AI is so powerful already, what hope do we have of ever landing a job in this market? This concern is equally correct and mistaken because, while AI can accomplish a lot, it also has limitations. Fostering originality is the key to staying relevant in the market, regardless of industry. If you maintain a creative mindset and learn to use AI to increase productivity, you will become irreplaceable.
Artificial intelligence has only shown us a fraction of the way it will alter our lives in the coming years and decades. If any of this terrifies you, you can get ahead of the curve by learning the ins and outs of this incredible technology.
Wyróżnienie Jakub Chełminiak, IIILO
Will AI Take Over One Day?
In the wake of the fast-paced development in the realm of artificial intelligence, numerous questions arise as to why AI might pose a potential risk to the security, world peace and the labour market.
Elon Musk, co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI, has advocated research into precautionary measures geared towards guaranteeing safety and maintaining full control over neural networks at each stage of their rapid advancement.
According to the researchers, the white-collar machines are never going to supersede the human workers equipped with the logical, crticial and analytical thinking ability. In the end, the artificial intelligence is merely a set of algorithms that may at best assist them.
Although themes such as recursive self-improvement of AI and visions of a post-singularity world fill the pages of some groovy science-fiction novels, Toby Ord, an Australian philosopher, argues that whilst plays like R.U.R. by Karel Čapek spur the artistic sensitivity and stoke up human’s vivid imagination, they also disseminate a deep-seated misconception driven by the mass media.
Forasmuch as technological research and development inexorably leads to an increase of knowledge, all efforts to expand the horizons of science ought to be endorsed. Only such an approach opens a window of opportunity to the coming generation of computer boffins, unadulterated by old customs, stiff boundaries of the mind and other restricting patterns.
Wyróżnienie Zuzanna Choła, IIILO
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field that is developing dynamically, penetrating even deeper into our lives. As Bill Gates said, “The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.” Nowadays, we can experience this phenomenon when AI gradually blends into everyday aspects of our existence.
Stephen Hawking warned that "Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.” This sentence is a reminder of the need for a responsible approach to AI development. While the potential benefits
of advanced AI are enormous, it also comes with challenges that we must anticipate and manage effectively.
Artificial intelligence is already having an impact on various areas of life, from medicine to industry. Automating processes or diagnosing diseases are areas where AI plays a key role. However, as technology advances, our society faces ethical dilemmas and privacy risks.
My personal opinion is that we need to focus on the balance between progress and ethics in the field of AI. We also need to build control mechanisms and a responsible approach to programming to avoid the dangers of excessive machine autonomy.
To sum up, AI is becoming an integral part of our lives, and its development brings both enormous benefits and serious challenges. The key task is to ensure that technological advances are consistent with our ethical values, so that we can benefit from them without compromising our future. And you, do you think AI could be a threat to us?
Wyróżnienie Zuzanna Piecuch, Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich
Will AI Take Over One Day?
The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) taking over the world is an idea omnipresent in books and movies. However, we have reached a point in our lives where some regard it as a genuine concern. I believe that the topic of AI should be approached with a balanced perspective.
Nowadays, people are primarily apprehensive about losing their jobs, hence the anxiety concerning ‘thinking’ computer systems taking complete control over us. Despite AI executing certain tasks more accurately, it still lacks the capability to replace everyone. There are several jobs that cannot be performed by a machine, particularly those requiring human emotions.
Oren Etzioni, a renowned IT expert, once pointed out, "AI is a tool. The choice about how it gets deployed is ours." AI is a system; thus, it does not necessitate taking over the world. It is within our power to decide whether we will allow intelligence to control itself.
Some experts advocate for alliance with AI, as it would escalate our lives on several fronts. For instance, we can broaden our horizons in healthcare and education, thereby facilitating life for everyone.
While contemplating the idea of AI taking over may be thrilling, it does not appear to be an oncoming apprehension. Despite significant advancements, AI lacks human consciousness and intelligence. People should refrain from seeing AI as a threat and instead start leveraging its potential. After all, it can help us make the world a better place.